Digestive Disease Consultants
Officially VerifiedHealthcare


Address 13500 Sutton Park Dr. S. #404-3, Jacksonville, Florida, US 32224

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  • Claimed
  • Digestive Disease Consultants
    Officially VerifiedHealthcare


    Address 13500 Sutton Park Dr. S. #404-3, Jacksonville, Florida, US 32224

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Digestive Disease Consultants
Officially VerifiedHealthcare


Address 13500 Sutton Park Dr. S. #404-3, Jacksonville, Florida, US 32224

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Digestive Disease Consultants
Officially VerifiedHealthcare


Address 13500 Sutton Park Dr. S. #404-3, Jacksonville, Florida, US 32224

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Business Information

Business nameDigestive Disease Consultants

Phone Number904.388.8686

Location 13500 Sutton Park Dr. S. #404-3, Jacksonville, Florida, US 32224


How an Endoscopy in Jacksonville Helps Diagnose Ulcers

An endoscopy involves threading a thin, flexible tube—the endoscope—down your throat so the doctor can view the esophagus, the stomach, and the beginnings of the small intestine. The endoscope allows one of the gastroenterologists at DIGESTIVE DISEASE CONSULTANTS to see how bad the ulcer is so they can devise a treatment plan. Call us at 904-388-8686 for more information.



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